What if there was a way to burn calories without getting up from your desk?

Fit India Ambassador Wanitha Ashok, in her video, shows some of the easy exercises to do sitting on desk so you may stretch your muscles.

ByChetana Belagere

Published Nov 08, 2022 | 9:00 AMUpdatedNov 08, 2022 | 3:36 PM

Representational pic of exercises and stretches that can be done when on a desk job.

Is a sedentary lifestyle getting you down? If so, Fit India Ambasaddor Wanitha Ashok has some “Dexercises” that one can do right at their desk.

“Working on a desk means people are sitting in the same place the same way for hours. This can lead to joint stiffness and pain in the neck, shoulder, hand and knees,” she explained.

“This kind of sedentary behaviour can also increase the risk of developing several other serious diseases,” warned Wanitha.

Finding time in one’s busy schedule to exercise may be difficult. So, Wanitha lists some exercises for the shoulder joints and knee muscles.

She also has some easy stretches that can be done on an hourly basis to keep that pain away and also help burn some calories.

“Whenever you are at the desk, ensure that you get up from the desk, walk around the house, drink a glass of water, and then sit back for your work,” suggested Wanitha.

After this routine of walking around every hour, she said stretches for the palms, wrists, elbows, and shoulders, a few mobility exercises, and shoulder and neck rotations are also important.

For more details watch this video:

‘Soleus pushup’ at the desk can burn calories

Fit India ambassador Wanitha Ashok speaks on importance of exercising

Fit India ambassador Wanitha Ashok speaks on importance of exercising. Shows some easy stretches and exercises that can be done on the desk. (Supplied)

The soleus muscle is the large muscle on the back of the lower legs, and is crucial for walking, running, and jumping.

Interestingly, a recent study done by researchers from the University of Houston has shown that soleus pushups lead to a 52 percent improvement in stabilising blood glucose fluctuations, and also boost weight loss.

Marc Hamilton, a professor of Health and Human Performance at the University of Houston who was part of the study, said: “Until now, no one ever investigated how this muscle, which has been in our bodies all along, could be used to optimise our health.”

The research found that if this muscle was activated correctly, it could raise local oxidative metabolism to high levels for hours.

“While seated, keep your feet flat on the floor and your muscles relaxed. Raise your heels while the front of the foot stays put,” instructed the study.

“When the heel gets to the top of its range of motion, the foot is released slowly to come back down,” it added.

Also watch: How you can get your daily dose of 2,000 steps in the house?