Andhra Pradesh former DGP’s son injured in Hyderabad pub brawl allegedly over ex-girlfriend

It has been alleged that both groups used wrenches, knuckle-dusters and tasers to attack each other.

ByDeepika Pasham

Published Sep 15, 2023 | 11:02 AM Updated Sep 15, 2023 | 11:02 AM


Andhra Pradesh former DGP Gautam Sawang’s son was injured in a late-night brawl outside an upmarket pub at Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad on Wednesday, 13 September, the police said after registering a case the next day.

The brawl, the police suspect, was over a woman. It has been reported that the woman was earlier seeing David Sawang, the ex-DGP’s son, and she was now seeing Siddharth Manghnani, who was also injured in the fight.

The police said that David and Siddharath were at loggerheads over the woman, and they had a chance meeting at the pub on Wednesday night. A heated argument ensued after one group teased women in the other group. The altercation later spilled over to the parking lot.

The pub’s bouncers intervened and parted the warring groups before the police dispersed them.

“Around 11.40 pm, both David and Siddharth’s groups were involved in fights, and both men suffered injuries. They along with their friends approached the Jubilee Hills police with complaints,” D Joel Davis, Deputy Commissioner of Police told South First.

The officer said the investigators were now corroborating their versions with the help of CCTV footage.

“As of now, both are victims as well as accused, according to the footage. Siddharth is seen holding a wrench (used to tighten nuts on car wheels) but he did not attack anyone,” Davis added.

Meanwhile, it was said that the groups used knuckle-dusters, and tasers in the attack. The DCP said the available footage did not show the use of tasers.

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Samad’s complaint

In his complaint, David’s friend MA Samad told the police that he along with four friends were leaving the pub, Zero40 Brewery after dinner around 11.30 pm when they were attacked by Siddharth Manghnani, Naveed, Areeb, Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, Ramakrishna Dutt, and one unidentified individual.

“They used wrenches, knuckle-dusters, taser guns, and iron rods to assault us. As a result, my friend David Sawang suffered severe injuries to his face and chin and a broken tooth resulting in visible facial injuries. They attempted to strangle and kill David and made explicit threats to his life.

“Areeb assaulted me and damaged my mobile phone. Several bystanders came to our aid during this incident and saved us from the attackers. They fled in a red Maruti Swift car,” Samad said in his complaint to the police.

The complainant further said the assaulters continued to threaten them over Instagram. “They threatened to attack us at our residence,” he said. Samad added that the woman in question had been harassing and stalking David for the past several months, and Siddharth made Instagram posts to provoke David.

Recording the incident

“The complaint mentioned that their woman friend’s phone was taken away while she was recording the incident. So we registered a case under sections 427 (mischief causing damage) apart from 324 (​voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means), 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 147 (punishment for rioting), 149 (unlawful assembly in the prosecution of common object) of the IPC,” P Ravi Prasad, Inspector of Jubilee Hills police, said.

In a complaint filed by Siddharth, the police registered a case under sections 324, 147, 149, and 506 (Punishment for criminal intimidation), he added.

Meanwhile, BeatsnBanter, a community platform showcasing Alternative Music in Hyderabad condemned the violence and said that it was fully cooperating with the authorities.

One of the witnesses posted on Instagram: “A fight broke out in which tasers and knives were involved but when bouncers were asked for help they did nothing. Zero40 should shut down if they instigate violence against women.”