State Of Play: Jagadish Shettar takes on BL Santhosh: Opening up a can of worms in Karnataka BJP

Anusha Ravi Sood tells you why Shettar's remark could open floodgates of dissent in the BJP built up over the years.

ByAnusha Ravi Sood

Published Apr 19, 2023 | 9:32 PM Updated Apr 19, 2023 | 9:32 PM

The former chief minister of Karnataka and now Congressman Jagadish Shettar trains his gun on BJP National General Secretary (Organisation) BL Santhosh, accusing him of “setting Karnataka BJP on fire”.

On State Of Play, South First’s Political Editor Anusha Ravi Sood tells you why this could open floodgates of dissent in the BJP built up over the years.