Parts of Modi’s speech that violate MCC missing from English summary on PM’s website

The summary avoided words like 'infiltrators' and 'Muslims' and phrases like 'those with more children'. The full Hindi text is missing, too.

ByThe Wire Staff

Published Apr 22, 2024 | 4:15 PM Updated Apr 22, 2024 | 4:15 PM

Modi at a rally in Banswara, Rajasthan (

This article was originally published in The Wire.

In a clear violation of the model code of conduct, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sought votes for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Rajasthan’s tribal-majority Bhanswara area on Sunday, 21 April, by accusing the Congress of planning to snatch their wealth to distribute it to Indian Muslims. He also referred to the community as “those with more children”.

In a deliberate attempt to confuse voters, Modi also incorrectly referred to a speech made by his predecessor, Manmohan Singh, to claim that if elected, the Congress government would pass on what belongs to the tribals to the ‘infiltrators’ – a term BJP has been using to allude to the minority community.

However, controversial parts that violate the MCC are curiously missing from the long summary of Modi’s election speech uploaded in English on his personal website,

Under the headline ‘High octane speeches at public meetings in Jalore and Bhanswara, Rajasthan’, the English summary of the speeches mentioned the provocative part in the last paragraph. However, it steered clear of mentioning significant details – including words like ‘infiltrators’ and ‘Muslims’, and phrases like ‘those with more children’ – used by the PM. It also does not mention that he said that the Congress would be ‘snatching away even the mangalsutra of our mothers and sisters and giving it to the Muslim community.’

Also read: ‘Muslims, illegal migrants, people with more kids’

Summary of Modi’s words

The summary said, “Coming down heavily on the ‘grand old party’ in Bhanswara, PM Modi reiterated, ‘Congress is trapped in the clutches of the Leftists and urban naxals (a term coined by the BJP to accuse those opposing its Hindutva ideology of rebelling against the country). What Congress has said in its manifesto is serious and worrying. They have said that if they form a government, then a survey of property belonging to every person will be done. It will be checked how much gold our sisters own and how much money government employees have. They have also said that gold jewellery by (of) our sisters would be equally distributed. Does the government have the right to take our property?”

The website serves as a propaganda portal that uses content to promote the cult of Modi as a strong leader. It has, however, appended the videos of the controversial speeches delivered by Modi in Hindi. While the full Hindi text of Modi’s speech in Jalore has been uploaded on the website, the text from his Banswada speech is conspicuously missing. While those conversant only in English visiting the site would not get to know of the hate speech delivered by the prime minister, those who understand only Hindi can hear his exact words on clicking the video.

Till noon of 22 April, Modi’s WhatsApp channel also had not uploaded the speech.

The speech raised many eyebrows among political observers. This is particularly because since Modi became prime minister, he had not, until now, referred directly to the Muslim community in his poll speeches to garner Hindu votes. The Election Commission of India is so far silent on the matter.

This March, the Modi government appointed as election commissioners two men who were closely involved in executing some of the BJP government’s flagship projects until recently.

(Republished with permission. Access the original article here.)