‘No friendly police, only lathi charge police’: Hyderabad police’s warning sparks outrage

A recent video circulating on social media has sparked outrage against the Hyderabad police, for allegedly threatening traders

BySouth First Desk

Published Jun 24, 2024 | 8:40 PM Updated Jun 24, 2024 | 8:40 PM

‘No friendly police, only lathi charge police’: Hyderabad police’s warning sparks outrage

A recent video circulating on social media has sparked outrage against the Hyderabad police, for allegedly threatening traders with a lathi charge, raising concerns over their enforcement tactics and their “friendly policing” approach.

The footage, reportedly captured in Bahadurpura, Old City, shows police officers using loudspeakers mounted on autorickshaws to warn traders and establishments to shut down by 11 pm or face severe consequences.

The video, which surfaced on X on Monday, June 24, has gone viral, and captures police in the Old City declaring, “No friendly police, only lathi charge police.”

In the video, an officer can be heard announcing, “Don’t be outside in this area post 11 pm. If you are spotted, you will be thrashed, lathi-charged. No friendly police, only lathi-charge police.”

A police vehicle is also seen stopping by the side of the road, urging traders to close down.

This stern warning has drawn sharp contrasts with the Telangana police’s public image of being a “people-friendly police,” a phrase often highlighted in their catchy caller tune.

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Increased night patrols, frisking, traffic checks

The crackdown comes amidst rising concerns over public safety following increasing crime rate in the city and recent murders in the Old City.

Hyderabad police have intensified night patrols and imposed strict closures on all establishments and restaurants by 11 pm in an effort to curb crime rates.

The video drew sharp criticisms from several quarters.

Adding to the controversy, Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi tweeted, “@TelanganaDGP @CPHydCity Commissioner of police, Hyderabad city, could such an announcement be made by police in Jubilee Hills? Whether they are Irani chai hotels or pan shops or commercial establishments, they should be allowed to remain open till 12 AM at least.”

“In any case, there should be a uniform policy across the board. Big metros across the country allow shops to be open in the night. There’s already an economic downturn. Why is it different in Hyderabad?” the AIMIM chief wrote on X.

Social activist SQ Masood asked on X, “Where has the friendly policing gone? Is this how Hyderabad police do policing?”

According to the reports, police have been patrolling through parts of the Old City making similar announcements and have charged citizens gathered at restaurants late at night.

The police have ramped up security measures, including increased frisking and traffic checks in the twin cities in order to curb the surge in crime.

They have also resorted to using force against residents, particularly targeting young people found loitering on the streets, and have conducted raids on hotels operating after hours.

(Edited by Shauqueen Mizaj, with inputs from Sumit Jha)

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