Karnataka’s shame: Lovers elope from Belagavi village; woman’s kin parade man’s mother naked

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah termed the incident 'extremely inhuman;. The Kakati police have arrested 7 people; 2 ministers visit the village.

ByBellie Thomas

Published Dec 11, 2023 | 10:35 PM Updated Dec 11, 2023 | 10:36 PM

Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar interacting with the family and relatives of the victim instilling them with courage

Karnataka woke up on Monday, 11 December, to the shocking news of a gang of 10-15 men assaulting and parading a 40-year-old woman naked before tying her to an electric pole in the early hours of the day at New Vantamuri village in the Belagavi district.

The woman’s only fault was that she happened to be the mother of a 24-year-old man who eloped with his lover, aged 18. The younger woman’s family had fixed her wedding with another man, the Belagavi police said.

Both elopers belong to the Nayak community. They apparently left their homes at half past midnight.

An hour later, the woman’s relatives barged into the man’s house and found his mother alone. They allegedly assaulted the woman to elicit information about the couple’s whereabouts.

They then allegedly stripped her and then paraded her through the streets, before tying her to the pole.

Informed about the incident, the police arrived at the scene around 4 am, freed the woman, and clothed her.

She was then taken to a hospital where she was kept under observation. The police said she did not suffer any injuries.

The police have arrested seven people so far and are investigating further. Additional forces have been deployed in the village to prevent any untoward incidents.

“Both the man and his lover belong to the same community and are from the same village. Around 12.30 am on Monday, they eloped from the village. Angered, the girl’s parents and relatives barged into his house, and treated his mother inhumanly,” said Belagavi Commissioner of Police (CP) SN Siddramappa.

“On getting information at 4 am, our sub-inspector visited the village, followed by other senior officials. Seven people have been arrested,” the officer said, adding that a case has been registered at the Kakati Police Station.

Also read: PM ‘pained, angered’ over mob parading women naked in Manipur

‘Extremely inhuman’

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said strict action would be taken against the offenders.

Terming the incident “extremely inhuman”, Siddaramaiah later said on ‘X’: “This has made the whole society bow its head in shame. Our government will not tolerate such heinous acts for any reason.”

He added: “Several people have already been arrested in connection with the case. It is our full responsibility to provide justice to the aggrieved family by taking action to ensure that the culprits are punished severely.”

Home Minister G Parameshwara, who visited the village, also termed the incident inhuman and confirmed that 10-15 members of the young woman’s family attacked the youth’s mother, who was alone at home.

“Those responsible…seven people have been arrested and will be produced before the court….efforts are on track the couple,” said the minister.

Terming it a shameful incident, Parameshwara said no one would be spared.

Women and Child Welfare Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar also visited the village and met the older woman.


(With PTI inputs)