Find out which foods to eliminate from your diet if you suffer from these diseases

The concept is straightforward: By removing specific food groups from our diet, we can alleviate the root causes of various health concerns.

ByChetana Belagere

Published Mar 02, 2024 | 11:00 AMUpdatedMar 02, 2024 | 1:37 PM

Representation image. (Creative Commons)

The adage “you are what you eat” takes on a literal significance, when it comes to your health and wellness.

Dr Shraddhey Katiyar, a noted physician, tells South First that what might seem counterintuitive at first but is extremely effective is the strategy of elimination diets.

According to Dr Katiyar, sometimes, the key to alleviating certain health issues lies not in what we add to our diets but in what we remove.

The concept of the elimination principle is straightforward. By systematically removing specific food groups from our diet, we can identify and alleviate the root causes of various health concerns.

This process begins with the initial step of elimination, which is crucial for setting the foundation for a healthier lifestyle, he explains.

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Tailored eliminations for specific conditions

Dr Katiyar’s approach is not a one-size-fits-all but instead is tailored to address a range of health issues, each with its own set of dietary recommendations. Here is a breakdown:

Prostate health: Eliminating dairy products can be a pivotal step in supporting prostate well-being.

Acne relief: Clearer skin can be achieved by cutting out dairy, grains, and nuts from your diet.

Digestive comfort: For those suffering from bloating and indigestion, steering clear of grains, sugar, nuts, raw vegetables, and dairy might offer relief.

GERD and acidity: A diet free from sugar, grains, and dairy products can help mitigate the discomfort of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and acidity.

Weight management: Reducing intake of grains, sugar, and fried foods can be beneficial for those looking to manage their weight.

PCOS management: Women dealing with PCOS may find relief by eliminating dairy, grains, sugar, and fried foods from their diet.

Cancer prevention: A diet low in grains, sugar, and starchy vegetables is recommended for cancer prevention.

Fatty liver reversal: Cutting out seed oils, sugar, and fructose can support liver health.

Diabetes management: A reduction in grains, sugar, and starchy vegetables can help manage diabetes.

Constipation relief: Avoiding raw vegetables, grains, and starchy vegetables can alleviate constipation.

In addition to these specific recommendations, Dr Katiyar advises against all forms of junk food, which can exacerbate health issues.

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