Namma Ooru, listen up! This true-blue Bengalurean has a podcast perfect for you

ByPrutha Chakraborty

Published Aug 20, 2023 | 10:00 AM Updated Aug 20, 2023 | 12:00 PM

In the third season of Bob Talks, Samyukhtha delves into conversations surrounding the niches, subcultures, and interests she has developed over the years. (Supplied)

There is so much said and written about Namma Bengaluru. You may like it or hate it, but you certainly can’t ignore this city. Whether you’ve lived here for a day, a few months, or a couple of years — a love-hate relationship with the city is bound to exist.

Littered with simple joys, Bengaluru never fails to serve you unique experiences.

And if you thought you were ready to move on from this cosmopolitan and charming city, Samyukhtha Sunil is here, bringing you a podcast called Bob Talks. The 24-year-old creative professional is currently shuttling between Bengaluru and Goa.

Born and raised in Chennai for the first eight years of her life, Samyukhtha moved to Bengaluru in 2008 not knowing that she was about to embark on her longest-standing love affair to date.

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A space for all

“Coming to Bengaluru was a culture shock. I had to change the way I interacted with people and learn a completely different language,” she recalls.

“But the silver lining was the fact that this city welcomes everyone despite their differences. There’s space for everyone and room for varied expressions,” says Samyukhtha, who wanted to share her romance with Bengaluru.

On Bob Talks, she tries to investigate how the quirks of this city charm thousands of people just like her, every day.


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How it all began

The seed for starting this podcast was planted in 2013.

“For the very first time, I had put out a piece of writing on my Facebook page,” she remembers.

“It was an ode to Bengaluru that I wrote on a very dreary cab ride across the city. The post got an overwhelming response. As I grew older, I found myself very keenly following the city’s culture and how it has evolved,” she narrates.

“A group of friends and I started a small open mic at Cubbon Park. Over four editions, we had artists from different backgrounds perform, network, and interact,” she recalls. This project strengthened a 16-year-old’s passion to create something authentic to the city.

Cut to 2020, during the pandemic-induced lockdown, when Samyukhtha felt the need to retain the essence of the city for those who couldn’t step out and interact the way they’d want to.

And just like that, the idea of starting Bob Talks was born.

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Starting small

“The first episode was shot on my phone and created with my amateur sound-editing skills,” she shares with a smile.

“I had the most supportive classmates from college who pitched in to create the podcast’s album art and a catchy soundtrack in just about a week!” he recalls.

From featuring conversations around the city’s radio culture and its dosa obsession, to the evolving pub scene, the first season of Bob Talks was an ode to Samyukhtha’s childhood in Bengaluru.


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As she stepped into the new decade and the onset of her adulthood, season two offered a funny take on the perils of the city when it comes to dating, how influencers use the city as bait, facing early adulthood years, and so on.

And now, after a gap of almost two years, Samyukhtha announced the third season on her Instagram page.

“There is an influx of city-based content that goes viral on social media daily, so creating something distinct gets tougher with every passing season,” she says about the hiatus.

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A trip down memory lane

There is so much more about the city that Samyukhtha is yet to discuss on her podcast.

“I spent quite a few weekend mornings at Sankey Tank located in Sadashivanagar for an early morning walk with my family. In my late teens, I got introduced to Bengaluru’s nightlife and drinking culture, and spent a lot of time at the dingy pubs on Church Street and MG Road,” she says.

A lot has changed in the city over the years. Sankey Tank and the pubs, for instance, continue to exist and thrive with hundreds and thousands still thronging them every day.

But for a localite like Samyukhtha, what changes is who interacts with these spots now.

The relatability factor

The reception to Bob Talks has been incredible so far.

“My first episode on Instagram hit 5,000 views on its first day, despite it being a very long recording of me just talking with no visuals whatsoever,” she laughs.

“Bengaluru has a very distinct lingo and tonality, and it gets ingrained into the way people converse. I think people related to that in my podcast,” she says.


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In the third season, she ventures into the podcast as an adult, delving into conversations surrounding the niches, subcultures, and interests she has developed over the years.

“I feature Bengaluru-based trailblazers in film, music, literature, art, and history. I also delve into the experience of being a young woman in the city, building a holistic life. How does the city shape this journey? Is reality different from my portrayal? These are questions I explore in my third season,” she highlights.

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A beginner’s guide to Namma Ooru

Amid the abundance of podcasts, our curiosity is piqued: What is it that makes Bob Talks so effective for its audience?

“When we get caught up in the monotony of life in cities, the rose-tinted glasses get a little rusty. But I believe that conversations, anecdotes, and real-life instances provide an impact that’s long-lasting and restores your hope and nostalgia in the city. Bob Talks has become a beginner’s guide to the city, narrated by a friendly voice,” Samyukhtha signs off.

You can listen to Bob Talks on Spotify. To get a slice of the city through Samyukhtha’s lens, visit Instagram @Samyukhthasunil