Rakshit Shetty’s debut web series ‘Ekam’ to premiere next month

The web series will be available for streaming from 13 July on Rakshit's platform—www.ekamtheseries.com.

BySouth First Desk

Published Jun 18, 2024 | 6:09 PM Updated Jun 20, 2024 | 11:37 PM

Ekam web series to be premiered on 13 July

Ekam, the maiden Kannada web series produced by actor-filmmaker Rakshit Shetty, has confirmed its premiere date.

Initiated in 2020, the series is scheduled to debut on 13 July.

Ekam will be available for streaming on Rakshit’s platform—www.ekamtheseries.com.

Developed by Sandeep PS and Sumanth Bhat, the web show features an anthology of seven stories and includes acclaimed actors like Prakash Raj and Raj B Shetty.

It is bankrolled by Rakshit Shetty’s production house Paramvah Studios, in collaboration with Journeyman Productions.

Sumanth Bhat said, “We faced rejections from all OTT platforms because Ekam is a Kannada show, and the market for Kannada shows is still emerging.” He further stated, “We will make the web series available to you for the price of a movie ticket (a one-time fee of ₹149).”

“We aim to showcase authentic stories and bring these narratives to audiences worldwide,” he added.

Discussing the web series, Rakshit Shetty mentioned in a statement that he watched the final version of Ekam in October 2021. “I was thrilled to see it come alive. It’s a one-of-a-kind attempt. For those interested in watching the series, registration is available at ekamtheseries.com.”

Conversations with insiders in the Kannada film industry indicate that Rakshit Shetty is not alone in encountering challenges securing an OTT deal.

“Currently, streaming platforms prioritise content featuring superstars, and mega-budget blockbusters, rather than smaller films. They show particular interest in projects like KGF,” said a Kannada producer, who does not want to be identified.

Previously, the majority of a film’s revenue came from theatres. Nowadays, theatrical success rates have significantly declined. Filmmakers now rely heavily on OTT and television rights.

However, streaming platforms are cautious about acquiring Kannada projects due to lower subscription and viewership numbers for Kannada content online.

“When we pitch original web series or films to different streaming platforms, we often encounter requests to produce the content in Hindi or other languages, featuring actors from those regions. There’s a reluctance to consider producing the content in Kannada and dubbing it into other languages. This situation remains unchanged,” added the producer.

Although the impact of the KGF franchise (part 1: 2018, part 2: 2022), and Kantara (2022) on Kannada cinema has been profound there is a need for more production houses to create quality content and for OTT platforms to support it for the industry to thrive.

(Edited by S Subhakeerthana)

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