Telangana RTC launches bus-tracking app Gamyam for smooth and safe travel

The project was launched with funding from the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

ByDeepika Pasham

Published Aug 12, 2023 | 3:47 PM Updated Aug 21, 2023 | 3:03 PM

TSRTC launches bus-tracking app Gamyam

The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) launched a bus-tracking app, TSRTC Gamyam, to facilitate smooth and safe travel, on Saturday, 12 August.

The app provides bus timings and the location of the nearest bus stop, among other information, so that the passengers can plan their travel accordingly. It also has provisions to flag issues related to women’s safety, health emergencies, and accidents.

TSRTC Gamyam

TSRTC Gamyam screenshot.

Additionally, the unique “Flag a Bus” feature allows the passenger to board a bus from a location of his or her choice. This provision, however, is available only between 7 pm and 6 am.

TSRTC officials said they had been working on the app — which supports two languages, Telugu and English — for a year.

The project was taken up with funding from the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. TSRTC Managing Director VC Sajjanar travelled to Delhi several times to meet Minister Nitin Gadkari and secured funding of ₹35 crore for the project.

The app could be downloaded from the Play Store. The users should register themselves on the app.

Also Read: Why TSRTC employees were taken into Telangana government service

Other features of the app

Details of schedules could be accessed by searching either by providing the starting point and destination, or route number. On searching, the app would provide the route and bus timing.

The app also provides the vehicle’s estimated time of arrival at the bus depot.

TSRTC Gamyam screenshot.

TSRTC Gamyam screenshot.

TSRTC Gamyam also supports searches using a reservation service number. This feature would benefit long-distance travellers.

A passenger could also use the app to locate the nearest bus stop if s/he is at an unfamiliar place. The app accesses the device’s location and shows the closest bus stops and routes passing through that location.

“Flag A Bus” is Gamyam’s unique feature, which is available only between 7 pm and 6 am. On selecting the option, the phone screen lights up with a fluorescent colour. On waving the phone at the bus, the fluorescent light catches the driver’s attention, and he stops the bus.

The SOS feature allows the passengers to report accidents, eve-teasing and health emergencies.

Also Read: TSRTC pilot project for dynamic ticket pricing

‘Digitalisation initiative’

“There is a significant change in Telangana State Road Transport Corporation after Covid-19. The data reveals that over 45 lakh commuters travel on TSRTC buses.

TSRTC MD VC Sajjanar speaking at the launch of Gamyam

TSRTC MD VC Sajjanar speaking at the launch of Gamyam. (Supplied)

“Digitalisation is one of the initiatives of TSRTC, and this safety application will help commuters in getting answers to their last-minute queries. We are planning to put all bus stations in Telangana on open data so that other platforms can use it on their database,” MD Sajjanar said at the launch of the app in Hyderabad.

He added that the app would also help in checking rash driving. The app has a feedback option, through which the passengers can pass on information to the bus crew. The Central Command Centre would immediately contact the crew concerned.

Digital IT Advisor Deepa Kodur said the app was launched to make travel more convenient and safer.

“Digital transformation involves people, process and technology,” she said.

‘Changed the holistic strategy’

“There have been attempts to implement technology in the past. But I think what changed in the past year is the holistic strategy,” Deepa told South First.

“For ticket reservations, we had a separate app but it did not work out as we expected. With Gamyam, we are pretty confident because we have strengthened the internal processes and chosen the right partner for the service,” she added.

She said that TSRTC has employed skilled mechanical engineers for the job since the lack of experience and skill could become a challenge for the implementation.

“We have set up a team of about 35 people with engineering backgrounds to sharpen the technical wing of TSRTC. Outside help, including me and some others, were brought in to train them and set a goal,” she further said.

Deepa also said that their technical team was being trained by partner organisations like Amazon to upskill them.

“We are also having a systematic approach to technology implementation as we are focused on the needs and experience of the customers, and learning from them. Our technical team is also participating in various conferences to get the outside view,” Deepa explained.

She said that the vehicle tracking facility was enabled to ensure the safety of the passengers adding that it would be convenient for passengers as it provided various information including bus schedules and updates on traffic.

“In terms of accident prevention, the command centre monitors the factors like speed and harsh braking that may lead to accidents. If there are health emergencies passengers could request an ambulance through the SOS option,” she added.