Hyderabad students grab top slot in confidence index, Guntur 2nd among non-metros

The study found confidence among students enrolled in private schools was higher than those in state boards and government schools.

ByAjay Tomar

Published Sep 11, 2022 | 4:40 PM Updated Sep 11, 2022 | 4:54 PM

The west Indian students topped the confidence index (score of 81) at the regional level, followed by students from the south (score of 75), east (score 74), and north (score of 70). (Creative Commons)

A first-of-its-kind study about the confidence of school students ranked Hyderabad on top among the metropolitan cities, whereas Guntur in Andhra Pradesh was positioned second among six Tier-II or non-metropolitan cities, right behind Surat in Gujarat.

The study was conducted by Mumbai-based edtech platform LEAD in collaboration with two wings of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS): the School of Management and Labour Studies (SMLS) and the Labour Market Research Facility (LMRF).

The index aims to measure the confidence of the students across different regions and cities through varying factors.

The research is based on a sample size of 2,807 students  — from Class 6 to Class 10 — across the 12 metropolitan and tier-2 cities across the four major regions of India.

The scores are derived from responses to 20 questions set up on five factors: conceptual understanding, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and exposure to opportunities.

Hyderabad students steal the show

The survey, in both metropolitan and Tier-II cities, divided the respondents into three categories — girls, boys, and overall.

Among the six metropolitan cities, Hyderabad was followed by Delhi and Mumbai.

While students from the Telangana capital secured an overall score of 87, students from Delhi and Mumbai finished with an overall score of 80 and 70, respectively.

Students from Bengaluru and Kolkata were next on the list, with Chennai finishing last among the metropolitan cities.

Students in the Indian metros scored an average of 78 on the confidence index.

Guntur: the leading non-metro in South India

While students from Surat (score 83) and Guntur (score 75) were on top among the Tier-II cities, Assam's Guwahati was third on the list.

The bottom three cities in the confidence index were Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh), Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu), and Ambala (Haryana).

The students from these cities finished with a score of 71, 69, and 62, respectively, whereas the national average score of the Tier-II cities was 71.

General findings

According to the study, students' confidence in Class 9 and Class 10 is slightly higher when compared to students in Classes 6-8.

The confidence is also higher among metropolitan students compared to their counterparts in Tier-II cities, a trend that apparently has not changed much with time.

As per the study, the confidence among students enrolled in CBSE or ICSE schools (score of 76)  was a little higher than those in state-board and government students (74).

While students from western India topped the confidence index (score of 81) at the regional level, students from South India (score of 75) and East India (score 74) hover near the national average score of 75.

North Indian students fared at the bottom, with a score of 70.

Based on the scores, students have also been classified into four areas — aspirant, leader, all-rounder, and influencer.

The research found that one in every two respondent students lied in the all-rounder segment, while more than one-third of students fell in the influencer category.

While the trend of the other three classifications was similar in both types of cities, influencer students in metropolitan cities were rated at 44 percent as compared to their peers in Tier-II cities (28 percent).