NEET row: DMK blames NTA, slams BJP-led govt for being ‘spectator’ and calls for scrapping the test

Several irregularities have been happening in NEET over the years and the BJP government did not take note of it said the editorial.


Published Jun 15, 2024 | 5:34 PM Updated Jun 15, 2024 | 5:34 PM

DMK slams BJP over NEET row

Tamil Nadu’s ruling DMK on Saturday, 15 June accused the National Testing Agency of spoiling the sanctity of NEET and blamed the BJP-led government at the Centre for being a ‘spectator’ and backing coaching centres that earned in crores. Yet again, the DMK sought scrapping the national test, saying it alone would protect the sanctity of education sector.

Referring to the Centre telling the Supreme Court days ago that the grace marks of 1,563 students would be cancelled, DMK’s Tamil mouthpiece ‘Murasoli’ said the BJP government would not have done this if the matter had not been taken to the apex court.

Over the years, several irregularities have been happening in NEET and the BJP government did not take note of it, the daily in an editorial on 15 June alleged.

It said that the irregularities and scams that happened in “secret” so far in the conduct of NEET was held in “open” this year and that only to hide this, the test result that was scheduled to be released on 14 June was advanced to 4 June.

“However, the scam got exposed. We have heard about grace marks, it will be one or two marks. But, how could 70 and 80 marks be termed grace marks? The NTA awarded full marks and this is national injustice,” the daily said.

Related: Like removing poisonous lizard from a meal: Doctors criticise NTA decision to conduct NEET UG re-exam

The BJP government remains servile to coaching centres that earned crores every month and it established the rule of corporates in the education sector too, charged the mouthpiece.

From the beginning, Tamil Nadu and key political parties including the DMK have been opposing NEET and the state Assembly passed a Bill to exempt the state from the purview of the exam and it was sent to the Centre to secure Presidential assent.

“We (the state) have requested scrapping NEET or exemption to Tamil Nadu from the test.The BJP government, however, rejected the staunch opposition as merely political. However, today, the students themselves have realised the ‘fraudulent’ aspects and the affected students approached the top court with a plea to cancel the 5 May NEET exam and sought strong measures to prevent irregularities,” said the party.

“The Supreme Court itself said the sanctity of NEET-UG has been affected and ‘who spoiled the sanctity? It was the National Testing Agency and the BJP government at the Centre was a spectator. On the whole, only abolishing NEET will be the permanent and fair solution to this problem and only then the sanctity of the education sector would be protected,” it insisted.

Related: NEET row: Number of top rankers to go down to 61 from 67 as NTA withdraws grace marks

DMK further said that the same advocate appeared before the Supreme Court on behalf of the NTA and the Centre and that this shows “there is no difference in stand whatsoever between the agency and the Union government. Also, the Centre aided the agency in its decisions. Even after the grace mark scam was exposed, the Union government does not appear to have realised its mistake.”

Referring to the retest on 23 June for students whose grace marks were withdrawn, the Dravidian party daily wondered about the nature of the outcome of the exam to be held again and said “See the manner in which they (centre/agency) argue (in court) for the coaching centres that earn in crores.”

(Disclaimer: The headline, subheads, and intro of this report along with the photos may have been reworked by South First. The rest of the content is from a syndicated feed, and has been edited for style.)

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