What is levosulpiride-induced Parkinsonism?

Levosulpiride-induced Parkinsonism is the development of Parkinsonism symptoms as a patient takes the medicine levosulpiride.

BySouth First Desk

Published May 20, 2024 | 1:03 PMUpdatedMay 20, 2024 | 1:03 PM

What is levosulpiride-induced Parkinsonism?

Beware of Levosulpiride-induced Parkinsonism, doctors say. Levosulpiride is a medication that helps with certain mental health issues and stomach problems by blocking specific signals in the brain. A chemical called dopamine, which is for controlling movements and various brain functions, carries these signals. When levosulpiride blocks dopamine too much, it can cause side effects similar to Parkinson’s disease.

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