Diabetics beware: ORSL contains ten times more sugar than ORS

Mislabeled energy drinks are often mistaken for ORS. Endocrinologists warn that this poses a severe threat to diabetics, leading to dehydration and even kidney damage.

BySouth First Desk

Published Jun 13, 2024 | 1:30 PMUpdatedJun 13, 2024 | 1:30 PM

ORS vs ORSL. (Wikimedia Commons)

Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) are frequently given to combat dehydration. However, doctors find seemingly similar drinks, often available in various flavours and named ORSL, which can have vastly different impacts on blood sugar levels. Mislabelled energy drinks, mistaken for ORS, have high sugar content and pose serious threat to diabetics, leading to dehydration and even kidney damage.

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