Karnataka police station deploys cats to tackle rat infestation

The Gauribidanur rural police in Karnataka has deployed two cats to tackle the rat menace at the station located 80 km from Bengaluru city.

ByDeeksha Devadiga

Published Jun 28, 2022 | 4:55 PM Updated Jul 22, 2022 | 12:56 PM

Karnataka police station deploys cats to tackle rat infestation

The Gauribidanur rural police in Karnataka has deployed two cats to tackle the rodent menace at the station.

The police station, located 80 km from Bengaluru city, saw a rat infestation that was getting out of hand.

The cops had to get things under control because the rodents had begun chewing up official documents and important case files.

The police initially tried conventional methods to solve the problem but failed.

Vexed, they decided to keep two cats on the station premises to catch or drive away the rodents.

The rat menace

Speaking to the South First, Police Constable Gangaraj said the police station, constructed in 2014, was near a lake, from where many rats were coming.

Karnataka cops deploy cats to catch rats in the police station

Dhir is one of the cats at the Gauribidanur rural police station. (Supplied)

He said that things escalated when the rodents damaged case files and documents.

“We tried rat bones but that did not work. After a few more failed attempts, we decided to get cats. The problem is solved now,” said Gangaraj.

Gangaraj also told South First that the police department did not make any official complaints about the rodent pest.

“We did not file any complaint with any government officials about the problem. Ours is a police station in a small village and we decided to use cats to deal with the problem,” he added.

Cats are now family

Initially, the cops got one cat to the police station. When the feline’s presence had the desired effect, they brought another cat, said Gangaraj.

He added that the cats have now become a part of the police station family.

“Every day the officers get them food and milk. The cats have found a permanent home here at the police station,” he said.

The cops have even named the cats: They are called Dhir and Adhir.

Gangaraj also said the cats are very clean and do not make any mess inside the police station.