Telugu actor Samantha diagnosed with Myositis: What is this autoimmune condition?

Is Samantha's condition curable? What are its symptoms? How is it diagnosed? A short explainer on Myositis.

ByChetana Belagere

Published Oct 29, 2022 | 7:04 PM Updated Oct 29, 2022 | 7:46 PM

Samantha Ruth Prabhu, actress

Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu has revealed that she has been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune condition called Myositis — which leads to the weakening of muscles.

She took to Instagram on Saturday, 29 October, to say: “A few months back, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Myositis. I was hoping to share this after it had gone into remission. But it is taking a little longer than I hoped.”

“The doctors are confident that I will make a complete recovery very soon,” the actress wrote.

“I am slowly realising that we don’t always need to put up a strong front. Accepting this vulnerability is something that I am still struggling with… I have had good days and bad days…. physically and emotionally…. and even when it feels like I can’t handle one more day of this, somehow that moment passes,” she said.

Several fans have sent her recovery wishes and positive messages communicating how strong she is both physically and mentally.

South First brings you a short explainer of what exactly is this condition. It’s symptoms and how it can be diagnosed.


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What is Myositis?

Myositis is a chronic condition that leads to inflammation in muscles. The causes include infection, injury, autoimmune conditions, and drug side-effects, according to the US’s National Institutes of Health (NIH). The condition can affect both children and adults. However, studies show that women are more likely to be affected by the disease than men.

What are the symptoms?

According to The Myositis Association (TMA) in the US, the first sign is an unusual rash. Some patients may even start to trip or fall more frequently.

Other signs are:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Pain in the muscles
  • Intense fatigue
  • Trouble climbing stairs
  • Trouble reaching head

Which organs does Myositis affect?

The Cleveland Clinic says that myositis usually affects the muscles in your…

  • Arms and shoulders
  • Abdomen
  • Spine
  • Legs and hips

It can also cause muscle weakness on or near the…

  • Eyes.
  • Diaphragm
  • Oesophagus

What are different types of Myositis?

  • Polymyositis: Affects multiple muscles at the same time
  • Dermatomyositis: Affects skin in addition to muscles
  • Inclusion body myositis: Degenerative muscle disease that affects those above 50

What are the causes?

TMA says myositis is an autoimmune disease. And its is the result of one’s immune system accidentally attacking your own body instead of protecting it.

Treatment options

John Hopkins Myositis Center says there are two approaches to the treatment of myositis: Medical treatment and lifestyle changes and management.

Medical Treatment

Corticosteroids and immunosuppressants that may slow down the attack on healthy tissue and improve skin rash.

Lifestyle Management Changes

  • Exercise.
  • Rest
  • Nutrition
  • Reduction of stress