Early exposure to porn leading to premature ejaculation, unconsummated marriages, relationship issues: Doctors want teens to join the discussions

Experts claim early pornography exposure is leading to a range of sexual health issues that are only now beginning to be fully understood.

ByChetana Belagere

Published Feb 22, 2024 | 8:00 AM Updated Feb 22, 2024 | 8:00 AM

Early exposure to porn leading to premature ejaculation, unconsummated marriages, relationship issues: Doctors want teens to join the discussions

Actor Ranveer Singh’s recent advertisement for a sexual wellness brand featuring US-based adult entertainment star Johnny Sins garnered much praise from health experts for its efforts to promote men’s sexual health.

Now, another concerning trend — affecting the sexual health and well-being of young men — is emerging: It is early exposure to pornography.

Andrologists, psychiatrists, and adolescence counsellors claim it is leading to a range of sexual health issues that are only now beginning to be fully understood by experts themselves.

The experts South First spoke to sounded an alarm over the increasing number of young men presenting with issues such as erectile dysfunction, unrealistic expectations of sex, and distorted perceptions of intimacy and consent.

These, they said, was leading to not only psychological issues but also marital issues and physical problems among such young patients.

These problems — once predominantly seen in older demographics — are now being reported in much younger individuals, with some patients barely in their late teens, said the experts.

Dr Sanjay Prakash J, the clinical lead for andrology at the Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) in Chennai, told South First, “We are seeing a generation of young men whose understanding of sex is heavily influenced by what they’ve seen in pornography.”

Sanjay, also a consultant microsurgical andrologist and urologist, added: “This can lead to a range of issues, from performance anxiety to a lack of satisfaction in real-life sexual encounters.”

Related: Ranveer Singh ‘unzips’ big hush on men’s sexual health in his recent ad

Early exposure to pornography

Porn exposure has started to happen at as early as 12 years of age, said the doctors, adding that despite several efforts by the government to ban pornographic sites, the access to them is easy.

“I get several adolescents who are into excessive masturbation, loss of concentration in studies, and intense feeling of guilt. A few even use porn as a stressbuster,” said Dr Preeti Galgali, a paediatrician and an adolescent health counsellor from Bengaluru.

Sanjay explained that being exposed to pornography early can twist an individual’s perceptions of sex, relationships and intimacy.

He said young men who come across explicit content at a young age might develop unrealistic expectations about sexual encounters, which can hinder their ability to form and sustain healthy relationships.

Sanjay noted, “Pornography often presents exaggerated and unrealistic portrayals of sexual acts, distorting perceptions of what is normal or desirable.”

Moreover, such unrealistic portrayals of sex in pornography can skew young men’s expectations, leading to disappointment and confusion in actual sexual experiences.

This mismatch between expectation and reality can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and even lead to the avoidance of sexual intimacy altogether.

OPINION: Pornography a dangerous source of sex education for adolescents

Unconsummated marriages, sexual dysfunction

Another critical issue the doctors pointed out was the impact of such early encounter with pornography on relationships.

The unrealistic standards set by pornography can strain partnerships, with one partner feeling unable to meet the exaggerated expectations often depicted in adult content.

This can lead to a breakdown in communication and intimacy, further complicating an individual’s sexual health and well-being.

“We have been getting at least two to three cases a month where young couples — as young as 29-30 years of age — coming in with marital issues due to pornography addiction,” explained Dr Manoj Sharma, a clinical psychologist and the head of the Service for Healthy Use of Technology (SHUT) clinic at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bengaluru.

“In most of these men, the exposure to porn would have been at early age. This would have led to either premature ejaculation or even distorted image of sex and sexual partner,” he explained.

Sanjay noted that another significant consequence of early exposure to pornography was the development of sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

He said, “These conditions can contribute to unconsummated marriages, where couples struggle to engage in sexual intercourse or achieve sexual satisfaction. Unrealistic expectations fuelled by pornography can lead to performance anxiety and a lack of self-confidence, worsening the problem,”

Though more research is needed and studies around this are still coming up, Telangana’s Apollo Hospitals’ urologist Dr Raghavender K said, “The discussions around this has started.”

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Emotional disconnection, relationship struggles

Doctors explained that apart from physical implications, early exposure to pornography could also result in relationship difficulties.

Sanjay said pornography often focuses solely on physical aspects of sex, neglecting the emotional and intimate connections that are vital for healthy relationships.

Sharma concurred, and added that men exposed to explicit content from young age might find it challenging to establish emotional intimacy with partners.

This could lead to dissatisfaction, disconnection, and potentially infidelity, noted the clinical psychologist.

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How to address this issue?

Educators and parents are increasingly concerned about the lack of comprehensive sex education that addresses the influence of pornography.

Many are calling for updated curricula that include discussions about media literacy, healthy relationships, and the difference between pornography and real-life sexual experiences.

Doctors also call for more research, education, and open dialogue has never been more urgent.

Sanjay insisted that acknowledging the potential adverse effects of early exposure to pornography was the first step in addressing the issue.

He said education and open communication about healthy relationships, consent, and realistic expectations were crucial.

“Encouraging comprehensive sex education and discussing potential consequences of pornography can help young men develop a more balanced perspective on sexuality,” he added.

The doctors also advised parents to create a supportive environment for their children to ask questions and discuss these topics without judgement.

“Monitoring activities on the internet and seeking professional help, therapy, or counselling can provide guidance and support for individuals grappling with the effects of early exposure to pornography,” said Sanjay.

Meanwhile, scientific research around topics like early exposure to porn and increased masturbation should be encouraged to determine if they have severe consequence on the men’s sexual health.