An in-depth guide to weight loss: Essential tips and common pitfalls


By Dr Satish N

Jan 25, 2024

Weight loss journey is a challenge that requires long-term dedication. The best way to succeed is by incorporating a change in lifestyle rather than opting for quick results.


A successful weight loss pattern involves incorporating small, sustainable changes into your lifestyle. Healthy eating, Regular exercise, Adequate sleep, Stress are a few areas of focus.


Ideally, a weight loss of 1.8 to 3.6 kg per month is recommended, clinically. Any rapid weight reduction beyond it is not advisable.


Quick and fast weight reduction, often achieved through crash diets or extreme methods, can affect metabolism, muscle loss, and an increased risk of rebound weight regain.


In addition to these affects it can also cause hair loss, a common side effect of nutritional deficiencies, and a weak immune system.


In summary, attaining and sustaining weight loss is a complex process. It goes beyond drastic methods and fast remedies.


A healthy diet, frequent exercise, enough sleep, stress reduction, and routine health checks, can help people create a sustainable weight loss habit and improve their general health.


It is best to avoid rapid weight loss due to possible detrimental effects on muscle mass, metabolism, and long-term weight maintenance.
