Women live more years in ill health than men: Lancet gender gap study

By Chetana Belagere

May 05, 2024


Women with ill-health live longer than their male counterparts, a study by The Lancet has revealed. However, they will be living the extended years in poor health, it added.


Interestingly, the experts pointed out that medical research globally has mainly focused on men, thereby neglecting the biological and physiological differences between the sexes.


The research, which covered three decades of global health data, identified back pain, depression, and dementia as major causes of disability in women.


Men were more likely to succumb prematurely to Covid-19, heart attacks, lung cancer, and kidney disease.


“Certain health conditions, such as ischemic heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic kidney disease, exhibit gender differences that manifest early in life and escalate over time.”


Meanwhile, conditions such as dementia, mental health problems, and Alzheimer’s were rarely recognised by Indian families, Dr Mahesh G, clinical psychologist from Bengaluru, said.


“Women rarely open up about any problems and even if told, there is a general neglect or brushing it aside as ‘rant’ or ‘tantrums’, and that can delay the treatment,” he explained.


Cultural and systemic biases within healthcare systems and socioeconomic factors also significantly influenced the prevalence of healthcare issues among Indian women.
