Why do your muscles cramp more during summer?


By Chetana Belagere

Mar 12, 2024

“Muscle cramps are a universal occurrence, characterised by sudden, involuntary contractions that result in severe pain and immobility,” shares Dr Yogeesh Kamat.


While calves, feet and thighs–are the most commonly affected sites, other areas, including the abdomen, may also experience cramping either individually, or as a group of muscles.”


Kamat explained that these cramps typically occur due to over-excitation of muscles, leading to prolonged contractions without adequate rest.


Several factors contribute to the aggravation of muscle cramps, including dehydration, reduced blood supply to muscles, altered hormonal levels, and neurological abnormalities.


Women are particularly prone to these conditions, especially when engaging in activities requiring high muscle activity, such as endurance running.


Explaining in detail, Dr Rajeev Jayadevan shares muscles rely on potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and hydration for effective operation alongside adenosine triphosphate (ATP).


The doctors insisted that repeated cramps, particularly if they occur in the same area, need a thorough assessment by a specialist.


“Such recurrence may signal an underlying injury that warrants proper treatment. It’s crucial not to dismiss persistent cramping as a temporary discomfort,” adds Dr Bishwaranjan Das.
