Veganuary 2024: Top restaurant picks from Chennai’s vegan community


By Roshne Balasubramanian


In line with the global Veganuary campaign, which encourages individuals worldwide to try veganism in January, South First connected with Chennai’s vibrant vegan community.


As members of the community share their journeys into veganism, we also discover their top picks for places in the city that offer delectable vegan options.


Tanmay Prabhudesai made an important decision in December 2019, switching to a vegan/plant-based lifestyle.


“As someone who grew up eating meat and enjoyed it, switching to a plant-based diet was a big leap. I loved my meat, but, ironically, like most people, I also loved animals,” he recalls.


Dr Lakshmi Sundar, a lifestyle medicine physician, embraced veganism in 2014 and adopted a whole food plant-based lifestyle in 2017.


Her motivation to switch intensified due to concerns about her weight, admitting, “I was obese and had to stop dairy just to control my consumption of ice-cream.”


“I switched to a vegan lifestyle on 8 October, 2019, which was also my birthday,” shares Kunal Mutha, founder of Only Earth.


“I just wanted to feel good by doing good for the animals. Since then, there’s been no looking back. I haven’t had a single cheat day. I avoid any dairy-based products.”
