The world’s first irregular conflict board game features the Vijayanagara Empire

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Feb 20, 2024

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‘Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India, 1290-1398,’ published by GMT Games, was designed by professor Saverio E Spagnolie, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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It is the first game in its new Irregular Conflicts Series, which explores more complex interactions than counter insurgencies or COIN games.

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Spagnolie said Mathieu Johnson, Cory Graham and Aman Matthews and developer Joe Dewhurst and him participated in the Consim Game Jam, to produce a game in three days.

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“I began to sift through periods with the potential. When I hit upon the political developments in the 14th Century, it stood out with its epic, sweeping scope,” he shared.

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When they won the contest, they were approached by GMT to publish a refined version of the game, he said. “Little did we know that it would take about three years of hard work.”

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GMT has published two games related to India. Chandragupta,’ in 2008 designed by Stephen R Welch and ‘Gandhi: The Decolonization of British India,’ in 2017 by Bruce Mansfield.

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Vijayanagara, states the publisher note, lets players take on the roles of Delhi Sultanate, the Bahmani Kingdom and the Vijayanagara Empire as they battle for the Deccan Plateau.

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Spagnolie acknowledged that the research done by historians played an important role in the design of the game, considering he and his team had never been to India.

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