Madras Photo Bloggers makes their Navaratri photowalk an inclusive affair


By Vaishali Vijaykumar


This year, the walk welcomed five skilled photographers, who are hard of hearing. Offering a seamless experience, Maheswari Sembuligam, a sign language interpreter, joined the group.


“This is an opportunity for them to feel included and gain an understanding and appreciation of our society’s heritage. It’s also a chance to boost their confidence,” Srivatsan added.


Photographers from the deaf community encounter various other roadblocks including communication, understanding, and listening. This is where the facilitator steps in.


Maheshwari shares that the photography skills of individuals with disabilities are on par with others. The difference, she says, lies in their perspective and approach to the subject.


In addition to expanding their vibrant photography portfolios, this experience provided an opportunity for able-bodied photographers to catch a glimpse of the world of sign language.


“It’s important to recognise that this opportunity is seasonal, and once the festival concludes, such unique sights may not be available,” Srivatsan emphasises.


Srivatsan anticipates a growth in the learning of sign language. This, he says, not only breaks down barriers but also allows deaf people active engagement in artistic and photographic discussions.
