Kerala-inspired lager is brewing up a storm in Poland’s beer market


By Prutha Chakraborty

January 30, 2023

Palakkad native Chandramohan Nallur has new feather in his cap: Malayali Beer, a light lager made of a unique blend of European hops and Indian rice flakes.


“Malayali Beer is a purely accidental venture,” explained Nallur. “One of my clients who imports rice, got an order of 20 tonnes rice flakes.


Four days before the shipment reached, war broke out in Ukraine. The shipment was at risk of going waste. Inspired by Komban beer, Nallur decided to start his own.


Sargheve Sukumaran, a beer enthusiast and design graduate from IIT Delhi with experience in product development, would eventually partner with Nallur.


“The unique mix of flavours makes it perfect to pair with a wide range of food — from cheese platters to toasted veggies to meat,” said Sukumaran.


The production of beer is mainly dominated by several large producers. Asahi, Heineken, and Carlsberg have over 80 percent share in the beer market in Poland.


Changes in the consumption of craft beer and regular beer have impacted the traditional type of beer — lager — which Malayali Beer is.


The hybrid beer market in the world is a niche segment. So, how then will newer brands like Malayali Beer survive, we wonder.


Nallur is confident his brand is on the path to mainstream. Since its official launch in November 2022, the beer has sold 50,000 bottles.
