Eye stroke in quadragenarians: Identifying symptoms before it’s too late


By Chetana Belagere

Jun 09, 2024

Dr Depika MP, Retina, Cataract, UVEA specialist at Sankara Eye Hospital in Hyderabad explained that eye stroke occurs when there is a blockage in the blood supply to the retina.


“The retina, located at the back of the eye, is crucial for converting light into neural signals, sending it to the brain and hence allowing us to see,” she explained.


Dr Depika said the main risk factors for developing eye strokes are diabetes, hypertension, excessive cholesterol in the blood, smoking and old age.


Dr Veerabhadra explained that he sees an increase in patients around 40 years of age who have blocked veins in their eyes caused by high blood pressure.


He explained that, “a blockage in the main artery of the eye is usually due to a small clot, fat, or calcium piece that travels from the heart or large blood vessels.”


Doctors explain that regular health checkups — at least yearly once after 40 years will help to prevent this complication as this can diagnose systemic diseases early.


“Avoid smoking, stay hydrated, strict diabetes and hypertension control, treatment for high cholesterol, and regular physician and cardiologist checkups can prevent eye strokes.”


“Also, remember when symptoms of eye stroke occur immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist will prevent vision loss,” explained Dr Depika.
