Does drinking fruit juices add to obesity?


By Chetana Belagere

Jan 27, 2024

The research consisted of a systematic review and analysis of 42 different studies, including 17 that focused on children and 25 on adults.


In their findings, the researchers observed a slight increase in body mass index (BMI) in children who drank 100 percent fruit juice, particularly in those under the age of 11.


For adults, the association between drinking 100 percent fruit juice and weight gain was more pronounced in studies that did not adjust for calorie intake.


Agreeing with the study, N Selvamani, a senior clinical dietitian from Chennai said whole fruit was always good as it provided fibre and gave satiety, while fruit juice only has sugar.


“Early age of fruit juice introduction may lead to an increased risk for overweight and obesity in later childhood due to increased preference for sweet foods,” said Kumar.


Pavithra N Raj, a dietician in Bengaluru said: “High-calorie fruits — like banana, mango, avocado, and chiku — blended in the form of juice will be more in calories.”


Raj concurred: “Fruit, when blended with sugar, ice cream, and milk, leads to an increase in calories. So, fruits blended with a bit of water and unstrained are better.”
