Doctor’s battle with genetic disease becomes a beacon of hope


By Chetana Belagere

Apr 28, 2024

It wasn’t until after his move to Indore for medical school preparation at the age of 16 that he began noticing symptoms like an imbalance while walking and difficulty running.


“Securing a seat in the medical school was all that I could think of. So, the thought of a serious health issue seemed remote and unfathomable,” he explained.


Doctors suspected some type of hereditary neuropathy. But medical terms made little sense to Agarwal. It led to a phase of ignorance and denial as the symptoms worsened.


He set out to find the answers for himself. “Type X of CMT is the most difficult variety to manage. I started searching for alternative therapies,” Dr Agarwal recalled.


Extensive investigations revealed that Agarwal had CMT type 4c. It is one of the least severe variants of CMT, unlike CMT-X. CMT has several variants and each with its subtypes.


He emphasised the critical role of accurate diagnosis in medical treatment and patient well-being. It would serve as a roadmap for managing the disease.
