Cubbon Reads: A reading community is a paradise for seekers of solitude and books


By Marina Paulose



“Thankfully, unlike other cities in India, Bengaluru, in terms of weather, is pleasant enough that you can spend the entire morning outside,” says Jaee, a regular at Cubbon Reads.


Readers were parked under the canopy of trees that stopped them from getting blasted by the sunlight. The only sound I could hear was the gentle murmur of people in the park.


Even though you are surrounded by people across the endless grass, you are, blissfully, on your own. And no, do not confuse it with loneliness.


Cubbon Reads lets you enjoy solitude in the midst of a crowd. It’s a wonderful feeling to be part of a silent community that lets you be on your own.


“This is a silent community. No one will approach you if you don’t want to. This is a very personal thing,” says Chitkale Prakash, one of the curators of the community.


“Promoting anti-hustle culture” was the primary concept behind Cubbon Reads, says Prakash. This community is a zero-hassle one. Just show up with your book!


In our daily rigamarole of burning the candle at both ends, Cubbon Reads is a rustic, refreshing breath of fresh air that unlocks the chokehold we are in, albeit for a moment.
