Chennai teen with autism earns spot in Asia Book of Records, swims across Palk Strait in record time


By Vaishali Vijaykumar


Sixteen-year-old Haresh, singular aspiration was to conquer the 32-km expanse of the Palk Strait by completing the open water swimming expedition and set foot on the Indian shore.


After a rigorous 11 hours and 52 minutes, defying the relentless turbulence, Haresh’s determined endeavour bore fruit. His remarkable achievement wasn’t just a personal victory.


Haresh’s extraordinary success earned him a coveted place in the Asia Book of Records. The resident of Thiruvanmiyur is basking in congratulations from numerous well-wishers.


His coach, details, “In addition to regular swimming lessons, Haresh underwent specialised training for open water swimming, we employed ankle weights to intensify his training.”


But his victory is not without the support of his parents. Nirmala Devi had to get approvals from the ministries. Even after they sought it conducive weather.


“Haresh’s father is from Theni, a town with water bodies, and loves swimming, he often took Haresh to those serene waters. With training, coach Karthick, and time we are here today.”


Nirmala is keen and willing to offer guidance to parents of special children. Despite initiating early interventions involving occupational and speech therapy, Haresh is non-verbal.


Haresh’s true calling lies in swimming, and he is now dedicating his full focus to this pursuit.” Haresh’s victory perhaps holds a promise of change and hope for other autistic children.
