Asvins review: The first half lets you down, but the second half works big time


By Manigandan KR


Director Tarun Teja comes up with an impressive plot in his film Asvins and narrates a horror story in a style that is significantly different from the usual pattern of other such films.



Asvins‘ background is based on mythology. As the title suggests, it revolves around the Hindu Gods of Ashvini Kumaras, also known as Ashvins.


Director Tarun Teja’s Asvins can be described as a film of two halves. While the first half lets down audiences, the second half works big time.


Although the first half begins on a strong note, the plot soon loses steam and evokes boredom. The Visuals and the predictable developments are the two factors that bring it down.


Vasanth Ravi, who plays the central character of Arjun, delivers quite a nice performance. There are quite a few shades of grey that he has to portray in the film.


But the performance of actress Vimala Raman, who appears for a brief time in the film, actually takes your breath away. she lives her part and puts the fear back in your heart.


The music director must share credit with his sound designers Sachin and Hari for their outstanding work in the film. Technically, the film is brilliant on almost all counts.


In all, Asvins is a reasonably well-made engaging horror thriller that works, if you have the patience to sit through right till the end.
