A unique suggestion to avoid weight gain


By Chetana Belagere


“If you are trying to avoid that extra weight, come 2 January, taking a minute each day to simply step on the scale may be all it takes to keep off the extra weight this holiday season.”


Being constantly exposed to their own weight fluctuations and being provided with a visual target weight every single day helped the experimental group stay dedicated to their diets.


Lead author Jamie Cooper, an associate professor said, “The subjects themselves selected how they were going to modify their behaviour, which could be effective.”


“When people see that they are not achieving their target every single day, it tends to lead to behavioural change in a really clear way,” says co-author Michelle vanDellen.


Agreeing with the study, metabolic health coach and low-carb-diet practitioner Shashikant Iyengar explained that people tend to gain weight due to a combination of factors.


“Increased caloric intake is common. Holiday meals and treats are often rich in calories, refined carbs, sugar, and fat,” he explained.


Swetha Adarsh, a nutritionist, says from her clinical observations and several studies, an average of 200-480 grams of weight gain is possible per day during vacations.
